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Porter Justus
Feb 20, 20231 min read
Week 6 - Virtual Production Pt. 3
To start off this is our updated visualization for the spot. Now we are finally closing in on the 70% stage, and it all about refining...
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Porter Justus
Feb 13, 20232 min read
Week 5 - Virtual Production Testing Pt. 2
This is our current visualization of the project. Which what we accomplished and what there is still left to do. So far this has been a...
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Porter Justus
Feb 7, 20233 min read
Week 4 - Testing Virtual Production Part 1.5
In week 2, I tested the viability of CamTrackAR import camera movement in to Unreal. In week 3, I found a YouTube video that showed a...
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Porter Justus
Jan 31, 20232 min read
Week 3 - Virtual Production R&D and Previs Refinement
This week I've been diving deep into virtual production prep and R&D. I had the idea to use CamTrackAR to record the camera tracking data...
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Porter Justus
Jan 23, 20231 min read
Week 2 - Look Dev and R&D
This week we started the process of look dev and created material quilts. I am not a material artist like Antonio, so I utilize high...
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Porter Justus
Jan 21, 20232 min read
Week 1 - Concepts and Pitches
We were broken into groups and asked to choose a product that we could create a commercial. The objective was to do this use VFX in...
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Porter Justus
Feb 18, 20202 min read
The Stage and the Screen: Two sides of the same coin.
Throughout my college experience, I found myself getting into countless debates on theatre vs film. My position on the matter has always...
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